A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
1) The meeting started with a highlight of the upcoming senior games. Aspects discussed were the need for both volunteers and participants as well as continued sponsorship.
Registration for the senior games closes June 3. Those interested can register at www.mnseniorgames.com
2) The second order of business was the Arbor Day proclamation by Mayor Kuntz. Arbor Day this year is April 26.
3) The city is required to declare an intent to repay itself in regards to bonding. A resolution was passed to authorize the finance director to make this declaration.
4) The city also voted to adopt new rates for street opening permits. The old rate was $20 a square yard but after reviewing costs it was recommended and approved to bump the amount to $40 a square yard.
5) A bid was awarded to Hazleton of Faribault for the East Broadway project. The estimated amount was approximately $504,000 and the winning bid amount was for $418,000.
6) The city Council had previously passed an authorization to request advanced funds for state aid projects. A second resolution was approved to also include the amounts of these projects.
7) There is a second reading in regards to abolishing the police civil service commission. The vote was unanimous to approve abolishment of the police civil service commission.
8) There also was a second reading and approval of the Hardee's building zoning approval. There will be more zoning issues to come on this property.
9) There also was an approval for an exemption of the noise ordinance for the steel County free fair in regards to the grandstand. This approval is only pertinent during the week of the fair.
10) Some announcements at the end of the meeting included a May 2 national Day of prayer, the farmers market opening on May 4, as well as the upcoming from the heart marathon and Corky's tournament. There'll also be at the open house at the Koda building April 22 from 2 to 7. May 18 coffee with the council held at the kitchen was also announced as well as the date of April 22 for property owners to appeal their property tax assessment.
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