Thursday, June 28, 2012

County Board Notes-June 26, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Anita Benson presented the board with rough numbers associated with reductions to the plan. She made it clear that these reductions were not recommendations. She referred to the spreadsheet for details.

The largest reductions include the elimination of the administration and training areas. There will be an additional reduction in paving requirements because there will be fewer people parking there. Anita said there will need to be some office space for the crews but this space can be outfitted with the furnishings from the temporary location.

The reduction of a wash bay and some of the equipment storage will be partially offset by the additional gravel needed for outside parking.

Anita has a concern that the reduction of the contingency to 1% may be too severe. She said again that the Facility Committee is not recommending these reductions because each has a real operational cost associated with it. She said that they have not taken the time to calculate these costs.

Anita said that spring 2013 is the earliest that any project would start and that they have already contacted the landlord about this.

Anita stated that the committee is looking for direction from the board. FEMA is still an uncertainty but maybe there will be more information available in the fall. She proposed that the same amount of thought needs to go into this revised plan as went into the original plan.

Corky expressed that his opinions are well documented in the minutes. He wants the engineering offices to be part of the plan.  Other questions /concerns of the board include:

  • Will a change in the roofline impact the construction costs?
  • What are the actual costs associated with the reductions? Specifically what is the cost of losing the operational efficiency of the administration office portion of the project?
  • What about shortened equipment life…etc. How much of the equipment will be stored outside in the new plan vs. the original plan and what is the value of that equipment? 
  • How can in-house crews be used to lower construction costs? 
  • What is CPU’s plan to provide service to the new facility? 
  • If the plan is to construct the facility in phases, there needs to be a real schedule of these phases and not another “Highway 14” scenario.

The general consensus of the board is that July 10th is an unrealistic time frame. It is agreed that the county needs a building and they want to take the time to “do the homework” on the revised proposal prior to setting a date for a public hearing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Members Question Dept. of Revenue-Sales Tax

OACCT members give examples of difficulties following sales tax laws,
as well as encounters with state auditors.
Commissioner Frans and his team plan to respond to the
suggestions and examples later this summer.

Commissioner Frans, Asst. Commissioner for Business Taxes Mansun and Sales Tax Director Pam Evans listen to Owatonna Chamber members concerns about audits.

Some suggestions for improvement: Make it easier!  The system is very complex and difficult to businesses to follow the rules; communicate with businesses a change on similarly themed items found during an audit--share those findings with like businesses in that industry; time frame for audits drag out for months-it's unacceptable since audits demand lots of time and resources.

Commissioner Frans plans to report back the findings in a summary.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

County Updates Chamber on Tracked Issues

Thanks to Administrator Shea for attending today's Chamber Public Policy committee meeting to give us updates on a couple items the Chamber is tracking at the county level this year: 1) streaming/broadcasting board meetings; 2) user-friendly budget available online and the county budget process.

Shea reported that the broadcasting of board meetings has been put on the back burner due to other issues.  The budget is available online, but not in it's entirety.  He expects by the end of this budget cycle that a compilation of the budget will be available.

He also outlined a general timeline of the county's budget process: departments have already started reviewing their budgets; by August/September the board will get involved to review with committees the departments' budgets; the final number will be set by December, although the board will have a good idea by September (truth in taxation deadline).

To track these issues or to follow other issues the Chamber is watching, go to

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reps share session wrap up highlights with members

Senator Parry and Representative Kath shared the last session highlights with members from OACCT.

Click here to view a video highlight of the event.

City Council Notes: June 5, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
  • The Mayor gave a proclamation for Amateur Radio Week the week of June 18th. 
  • There was a Public Hearing for the preliminary assessment to certain areas for sidewalk, curb, gutter and driveway repairs.  The council provided a list of all that would be impacted.  Surprisingly, there was not anyone that spoke out against the assessment.  My understanding is that it will now go to a vote of approval from the council at a later meeting.
  • The council approved a series of agenda items including permits and meeting minutes.
  • The Council approved a rezoning issue with Manke’s property to allow for some new signage (already installed and did not realize that they were not zoned appropriately to allow for the sign).
  • Approval of the proposed SCAT bus route.
  • Kris Busse gave a brief synapsis of their Strategic Plan – which was approved.
  • A series of city improvements were approved.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Members Connect w/ Officials at Coffee Events

Chamber members-
Don't miss a couple upcoming Coffee with.... events!

June 13th-session wrap up event with Senator Parry and Representative Kath.  Click here for more details.

June 27th-discussion with Commissioner Frans with the MN Dept. of Revenue on business Sales & Use Tax Audits.  Click here for more details.

Check out for other news, events and Chamber issue tracking!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chamber Board Opposes $13M Public Works Building

Proposed $13M public works facility site plan 
The OACCT Board of Directors recently opposed and informed Steele County Commissioners, as well as Administrator Shea, the current proposed $13M public works building.

The proposal adds significant space to the county inventory while costing taxpayers a large sum of money.  Specifically, according to the Steele County Assessor's website, commercial/industrial business pay approximately 28% of all local property taxes.  Thus, the business community has a large stake in a project of this size.

If the county commissioners choose to support funding the current project proposal at $13M+ at the June 12th, 7 PM meeting, then it is the position of the OACCT that the eligible voters of Steele County should have the opportunity to vote on the bonds for this project at the next election date as identified in state statute.  

View the OACCT's steps to this point and the full letter to county commissioners here.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Business Brief Newsletter Goes Policy Focused

Advocacy Business Brief Issue-June 2012
Business advocacy is a major concern for our members.

That's why this month's Business Brief newsletter focuses exclusively on actions the OACCT has taken, and continues to work on, for pro-business and growth locally, statewide and federally.

Please take a look at this issue and let us know what you think!