Monday, October 29, 2012

Complete Hwy. 14

Completing the four-lane expansion of Highway 14 between Owatonna and Dodge Center is critical to our region’s economic success.  Not only does this dangerous stretch of road have a fatality rate nearly double the statewide average, but traffic volumes are expected to more than double by 2030.  Owatonna’s population and economy are growing, but employees’ ability to get to work and businesses’ ability to move their products and provide their services are being hampered by this insufficient two-lane road.

Four-lane expansion is needed to position Highway 14 for the future.  Right now, MnDOT is developing its 20-year state highway investment plan, which will establish the highway projects that will be funded in the next two decades.  We must ensure that Highway 14 is included in plan, or we risk the loss of additional lives and economic opportunity.   Please sign up here to receive updates on Highway 14 and learn about ways you can help get this project done!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Council Notes: Oct. 16, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Public Hearing on 2012 Sewer and Street projects.  The interest rate will be lowered from 7% to around 3 ½% for outstanding balances.  The new interest rate will be 2% higher than the City’s cost of funds.  The City has been charging 7% interest on outstanding assessments but their cost of funds has been much lower. This change will more accurately reflect interest costs.

Ken Beck was recognized as Building Official.  Mr. Beck was in this position as temporary after the previous building official resigned.  Council and Mayor reported several positive comments they have received regarding building inspection department.

Second Reading on Ordinance 9-12, which allows OPU to be able to collect past due utility bills with property taxes.

$550,102 expenditures presented for approval, including $35,000 to Front Door realty for Hospital Sale Realty Fee.

Park & Rec budget meeting
City is looking to recover $640,000 for damaged trees at Brooktree Golf
Capital Improvement for 2013
Building Maintenance
Amount Requested  $102,000
Amount Recommended   $12,000 for Merrill Hall windows
Looking ahead for 2014 they are budgeting 1.1 million for the roof at City Hall

Park & Rec CIP
Amount Requested  $847,200
Amount Recommended  $43,000 (30k for Tennis Center, 10k Play Equipment, 3k Senior Place doors)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

County Board Notes-Oct. 23, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Human Service expenses for the month was $287,507.

SE MN Human Service Delivery Authority assessment is $25,453 this amount will be matched by the Bush Foundation.  This is the collaboration between counties to provide more streamline, more efficient services between counties in the area of human services.

Set a public hearing for the Bixby Sewer District fees for resident.  Administrator Shea stated it is not required by law but felt it was a good faith effort to inform residents what fees they will be charged.

Sheriff Lon Theile reported the capital improvements to the Law Enforcement Center in the areas of evident room and the radio system, new “Mug shot” inmate reporting system. He also reported finalizing the contract with the city of Medford for patrol services, the contract is 3 ½ % higher than the last contract.  The contract for Ellendale patrol services will be in place by the November County Board Meeting.  Both contracts need to be signed by county administrator, board chair and Sheriff.

Amended contract with Oak Glen Wind Farm.  Most of work is completed and has no outstanding deficiencies.

Monday, October 22, 2012

County Commissioner Candidate Forum

Steele County Commissioner candidates discussed a variety of topics like what their leadership would bring to the county, their stance on the Public Works facility, MnDOT negotiations with the Hwy. 14 turnback and their opinion on per diem/reimbursements for serving on the commission.

Candidates include:
2nd District: Karen Docksey ★ Doug Johnson
3rd District: Matt Durand ★ Mark Schultz
4th District: James Ebeling ★ Roger Wacek
5th: Nina Huntington

View a summary video here:

VOTE November 6th!

Forum partners: Owatonna People's Press, Noon & Early Edition Rotary Clubs and the Owatonna Area 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Senate & House 24A Candidates Square Off

Senate candidates Vicki Jensen and Vern Swedin, as well as House 24A candidates Craig Brenden and John Petersburg shared their stance on working across the aisle, education funding (both K-12 and higher education), Last In First Out (LIFO) legislation, local government aid and business taxes.

VOTE November 6th!

Forum partners: Owatonna People's Press, Noon & Early Edition Rotary Clubs and the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism

Thursday, October 11, 2012

MnDOT's "dividing the pie" 20-year plan

Representatives from MnDOT walk local stakeholders through a "MnSHIP" meeting in Makato on Oct. 10th.  MnSHIP is the state highway investment plan, which also creates the 20-year capital plan.
Ryan Wilson, planning engineer for MnDOT presented
MnSHIP investment plan  discussion points
 based on "dividing the pie" differently in the
next 20-year plan that should be completed by May/June of 2013.

Stakeholders were presented the current status of the plan and how the resources are divided, then two options of investment in the next 20-year plan were given as launching points for discussion.  These were not final or even voting options, but a discussion starter so stakeholders could "walk in MnDOT's shoes" and see how difficult dividing the resources is on a limited $18M budget. 

MnDOT plans to gather stakeholder input at 9 regional meetings throughout the state before designing their draft of the 20-year plan for the 2013 legislature.

More investment for new roads, like Highway 14, was not presented as a possible option or discussion point. They are planning on using the funds to maintain what we currently have for roads, bridges, non-motorized transportation and Twin Cities mobility.

"I was disappointed.  It seems like they (MnDOT) just wanted us to give approval on what they've already done," stated Highway 14 President Les Abraham. "They're going to focus on maintaining instead of new roads."

Go to for more information on MnSHIP.

Timeline for the 20-year plan:
End of October: complete public input
November: compile results for MnDOT leadership
Early December: set investment direction
January: districts compile 10-year project work plans
End of March: draft plan available for public review
April: public hearing on final plan
May/June: adopt final plan

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

County Board Notes-Oct. 9, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Committee of the Whole-3 PM
Commissioners are trying to grapple with distrust, the turnback approach (project vs lump sum) and MnDOT's lack of incentive to negotiate with Steele County.

The County Board continues to find frustrations with the Highway 14 turnback negotiations with MnDOT. Distrust, phantom documents and deadlines, inconsistencies in the agreement leaves the Board discussing the best approach, and wondering how far to push the issue with limited positive results for the county.

Commissioner Kubicek asked the Board if the county is willing to go to court?  If taken to court, the best result that could happen would be the removal of limited access to turnback funds; the county would still have to negotiate with MnDOT, leaving all commissioners realistically wondering if negotiations would improve at that point (after having been to court) and MnDOT could still choose to cut the county out of the turnback money, which would be a hard hit for Steele County. Also, a consideration is any ill-will or push back from MnDOT on the completion of Highway 14 from Owatonna to Dodge Center.

One option  the commissioners discussed is to accept MnDOT's turnback agreement, with the stipulation of using a mediator with a final completion date. The turnback agreement model the commissioners would like to use/agree to would be a recent 2011 Chisago County project based model (totals are tallied when the work/project is complete), not a lump sum model (with estimates of cost that MnDOT is currently proposing).

The latest word from MnDOT gives the Board until Oct. 17 to respond to their latest proposal.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

City Council Notes-Oct. 2, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Resolutions approved were in relation to the Fareway/Mayo Clinic site development and progress:
48-12-Sale of property to Fareway Stores, Inc.
49-12-Sale of property to Mayo Health System, Owatonna
50-12-Preliminary and final plat of Fareway Food Stores Addition (which were some OPU and private easements)

Ordinances approved were related to the Fareway Foods site development and new Walzer car dealer:
3.5.1-second reading of zone change for the former Owatonna Hospital/Mayo Clinic administrative offices
3.5.2-zone change for the new Walzer property from ag land to commercial  as well as a larger/taller sign for interstate traffic (requirements will be in place)
3.5.3-Utilities liens: this allows OPU to take past due bills and nonpayments and post on the tax rolls

Contracts approved were:
Local 70, IUOE (public works): slight salary increase over a two year period (1% in 2012, 1% in early 2013 and .5% in mid-2013)
Local 1920 (firefighters): same salary increase as above; some add'l clothing/uniform costs were added
Nonunion wages: the same wage increase above was approved for nonunion wages

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

County Board Notes-Sept. 25, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

At the Committee of the Whole meeting:

  • Two new county employees were introduced from Public Health Nursing.
  • Commissioners discussed a budget hearing/truth in taxation date (potentially Dec. 11 at 6 PM)
  • Charity Floen and Melinda Skalicky presented MnDOT's 3C's (cooperation, consolidation and collaboration), which is to improve the overall state of transportation in MN. Two other transit providers are interested in the SCAT bid. County is under contract with the Owatonna Bus Company through the end of 2012. The Owatonna Bus Company intends to bid again, but voiced their concern with not being able to compete with non-profit entities on cost.
  • Commissioners reviewed and discussed the Fareway Foods traffic study and permit; they intended to approve at the 7 PM meeting.
  • Highway 14 Turn Back: Anita Benson is having trouble getting information back from MnDOT to further review and negotiate the old Hwy. 14.  A similar approach as Waseca has recently taken was discussed-there potentially could be county attorney action in the future. MnDOT is taking core samples tomorrow. The county has rejected the lump sum project; MnDOT's deadline is Oct. 12. More information is intended to arrive shortly from MnDOT.
  • Appx. $970,000 is still to be cut from the budget to hit the 2.4% levy increase.

School Board Candidate Forum-Oct. 1, 2012

Candidate forums are heating up this fall as a number events are designed to bring the business community closer to the views of Owatonna citizens seeking office. Below is a photo and link to a short summary video of the October 1st School Board forum.

Forums are held Monday's in October (save the 29th) at the Owatonna Country Club, 1991 Lemond Rd. at Noon (free of charge and the public is welcome).  Forum partners are the Owatonna Chamber of Commerce, Owatonna People's Press and the Noon and Early Edition Rotary Clubs.

Ron Van Nurden gives his views at the School Board Candidate Forum on Oct. 1.
Van Nurden is seeking a four-year term on the school board.
Candidates seeking four-year terms:
David Anderson
Ronald Van Nurden
Keynen Wall
Dale Fairbanks
Eric Schuster

Candidates seeking two-year terms:
Mark Sebring
Bill Wall