Thursday, April 25, 2013

County Meetings Available Online

The Chamber’s Public Policy committee is pleased to announce that County Commissioner meetings will be available online at This has been one of the committee's 2013 legislative agenda goals: transparency: encourage greater transparency with county information, including: budget, meeting notices, agenda with supporting documentation. Achieve County Commissioner meetings shown on television or some other electronic medium

The Public Policy committee has encouraged County officials to make public meetings available by broadcasting/streaming.

City Council meetings will be available soon too on  City meetings currently available on

Friday, April 19, 2013

Highway 14 Legislative Movement

Senator Vicki Jensen speaks at April 17 Transportation Rally.

Some promising news on Highway 14!  The Minnesota Senate Transportation Committee passed a transportation budget that included funding for the Corridors of Commerce program ($47.6 million in FY14 and $110.3 million in FY14).  Language related to project selection criteria states “In selecting a project from District 6 and 7, the commissioner is encouraged to prioritize the expansion to four lanes of an interregional corridor that connects regional trade centers, connects with other interregional corridors, and contains two lane segments with 1.5 times the state average fatality rate for rural two lane roads”.  This is demonstrates that Highway 14 should be a priority for program funding.

The revenue source that pays for the Corridors of Commerce program is a gross receipts tax on motor fuels at the wholesale level.  Motor fuels distributors will be imposed a 5.5 percent tax on their gross receipts to be paid on a quarterly basis, not per transaction.  Correspondingly, the gas tax is decreased by 6 cents.   Once fully phased in, this revenue stream is projected to generate around $200 million/yr for the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund, which distributes funds to trunk highways (to the Corridors of Commerce program), counties, and cities.  Agricultural and heating fuel is exempt from the gross receipt tax.

Beyond the support for Highway 14, this bill is good for Greater MN.  Some additional items in the include:
•Counties are given  the authority to impose a $10 wheelage tax
•Greater MN counties are given the same authority to impose a half-cent sales tax for transportation projects without voter referendum as metro counties currently hold
•Increased funding for Greater MN transit through additional General Fund dollars and increasing its MVST allocation from 4% to 5%
•Cities may create Street Maintenance Districts and impose fees to plan/fund street maintenance
•Increased funding for the TED program
•Increased the metro sales tax by .25 to fund the transit system

This bill will be up in the Senate Finance Committee on Friday and Senate Tax Committee on Monday.

It’s a long road ahead, but Highway 14 is on everyone’s radar and we have a great position in the Senate bill.  PLEASE keep up your advocacy to the Governor and House leadership to encourage them to support a statewide transportation investment and funding for the Corridors of Commerce program.

Contact Governor Dayton:  1-800-657-3717 or
Contact Speaker Thissen:  (651) 296-5375 or

Sen. Vicki Jensen (Owatonna) and Senate Transportation Chair Scott Dibble should also be  thanked for their efforts.  As a committee member, Sen. Jensen has been an incredible advocate for Highway 14 and she deserves a lot of credit for the position we are in today.  Sen. Dibble, from Minneapolis, stood up for the transportation needs of Greater MN and had the courage to move forward with a statewide transportation investment despite the political forces against him.

Sen. Jensen:  (651) 296-9457 or
Sen. Dibble:  (651) 296-4191 or

Finally, several Highway 14 Partnership members who came to St. Paul to participate in the transportation rally on Wednesday:  President Les Abraham, Owatonna Mayor Tom Kuntz (speaker), Katie Nelson (Owatonna Chamber), Guy Kohlnofer (Dodge County Engineer), Al Forsberg (Blue Earth County Engineer), Blue Earth County Commissioner Vance Stuehrenberg (speaker), and Beth Hodgman (speaker).  Again, Highway 14 was at the forefront of the transportation discussion because of their advocacy!

--submitted by Lobbyist Amanda Duerr, Highway 14 Partnership 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

City Council Notes-April 16, 2013

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

1)  The meeting started with a highlight of the upcoming senior games.  Aspects discussed were the need for both volunteers and participants as well as continued sponsorship.
Registration for the senior games closes June 3.  Those interested can register at

2)  The second order of business was the Arbor Day proclamation by Mayor Kuntz.  Arbor Day this year is April 26.

3)  The city is required to declare an intent to repay itself in regards to bonding.  A resolution was passed to authorize the finance director to make this declaration.

4)  The city also voted to adopt new rates for street opening permits.  The old rate was $20 a square yard but after reviewing costs it was recommended and approved to bump the amount to $40 a square yard.

5)  A bid was awarded to Hazleton of Faribault for the East Broadway project.  The estimated amount was approximately $504,000 and the winning bid amount was for $418,000.

6)  The city Council had previously passed an authorization to request advanced funds for state aid projects.  A second resolution was approved to also include the amounts of these projects.

7)  There is a second reading in regards to abolishing the police civil service commission.  The vote was unanimous to approve abolishment of the police civil service commission.

8)  There also was a second reading and approval of the Hardee's building zoning approval.  There will be more zoning issues to come on this property.

9)  There also was an approval for an exemption of the noise ordinance for the steel County free fair in regards to the grandstand.  This approval is only pertinent during the week of the fair.

10)  Some announcements at the end of the meeting included a May 2 national Day of prayer, the farmers market opening on May 4, as well as the upcoming from the heart marathon and Corky's tournament.  There'll also be at the open house at the Koda building April 22 from 2 to 7.  May 18 coffee with the council held at the kitchen was also announced as well as the date of April 22 for property owners to appeal their property tax assessment.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Highway 14 Partnership Participates at Transportation Rally

Highway 14 Partnership representatives: Guy Kohlnofer,
Lobbyist Amanda Duerr
and Highway 14 President Les Abraham.
The Capitol's rotunda was a noisy place this morning as multiple transportation, transit and job groups gathered to rally for funding Minnesota's roads and rail--funding for this session.

Senator Vicki Jensen and Highway 14 Partners Mayor Tom Kuntz, Beth Hodgeman spoke, among many others, as to the importance and urgency of finding funding for MN transportation that effect's our state's  economic development.
Beth Hodgeman lost her husband Scott last year in a traffic
accident due to the unsafe stretch of Highway 14
from Owatonna to Dodge Center.
District 24 Senator Vicki Jensen
Owatonna Mayor Tom Kuntz

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

County Board Notes-April 9, 2013

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Commissioners anticipated approving a general fund to capital construction transfer of $1,100,000 to cover the expenses to fund the 800MHZ upgrades (tower work).  They anticipate getting half of the expense back via grants.

Commissioners anticipated approving one of three options in regards to the Steele County Jail at their 7 PM meeting. Oak Park Heights has contacted them to house as many as 52 inmates, requiring opening the third pod and additional staff. Option 1: do nothing; Option 2: take enough inmates to fill pod 2; Option 3: hire 7 staff and open pod 3 with hopes of signing a 2 year contract, gaining the county add'l income.

Commissioners toured CAT facility for potential use for county public works/highway shop.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Affordable Care Act Impacts Begin as Early as October 2013

A new online tool,, is now available to help employers and employees understand the sweeping Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and how it could impact you in 2014. Everyone will benefit from broader access to care, but what does it specifically mean for you?

The website was developed by a coalition of Minnesota nonprofits including the Minnesota Chamber. For questions, contact Kate Johansen, our manager of health care policy, at 651.292.4682 or
--MN Chamber of Commerce, The Chamber Times, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Council Board Notes-April 2, 2013

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Introductory Actions:

  • Evaluation of City Administrator approved; achieved level 5

Consent Agenda:

  • All licenses and permits approved


  • Panda Express conditional use permit approved (2,010 sq ft w/ drive up, patio and in-diner seating); located next to McDonalds
  • Viracon development agreement approved (100,000 sq ft expansion project); development will have City relocate utilities and build storm water retention pond for industrial park
  • Pubic hearing for utility assessments will be April 16
  • Other street and utility project resolutions approved as well 


  • Abolish of Police Civil Service Commission tabled until all Council members are present
  • Tailwind development preliminary plat and rezoning of small residential area into commercial approved


  • City contract w/ Bolton & Menk for FAA Airport Master Plan update (last completed in 1974, updated in 80's); 90% of cost should be covered by grant; local share to complete would be $17,900)
  • Tree Grant: applied for tree grant from loss of trees from July 09, June 10 and Sept. 10; appx 300 potted trees will be planted in 6-7 different site locations; tree cost covered by grant with city's in-kind services to plant

Committee Reports

  • Board of Appeal & Equalization set for April 22 at 7 PM

Letter to Editor: Governor's Budget March 27, 2013