Wednesday, February 12, 2014

County Board Notes-Feb. 11, 2014

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2014 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Senator Vickie Jensen
See Attached
·         Senator Jenson commented that it was important to her to bring back the county/state match with regard to infrastructure. She would like to see the amount increased to $2MM.
·         The B2B tax is a hot button for everyone and there is tremendous support to repeal it. The Senator did mention that if it is not done soon they will have to look for other sources for the money that this tax was to support.
·         I35 will undergo major work in our community 2014/2015. The Senator wants to make sure that the county is kept in the loop concerning access and material handling logistics.

Public Works Building Review
See Attached
·         Anita Benson presented Options 2 and 4 to the committee
o   Option 2 has a price of approximately $9.5MM.
§  This is a much larger facility and has more amenities.
§  This is the option that she is supporting.
o   Option 4 has a price of approximately $7MM.
§  This is a scaled back facility
§  It subsequently has fewer amenities. It has room for fewer vehicles than the original Hoffman facility.
§  According to Anita, the Task Force “whittled it down” to one of these two options with a preference for Option 4.
·         Tom Shae reported that the decision on the second appeal is “eminent”. He made inquiries to determine the meaning of eminent. Apparently a decision has been made and forwarded to “legal”. Once it clears that hurdle it will be expressed to the county. He had no idea how long that will take.
·         Commissioner Ebling presented that the Task Force really did not support an option as much as a price tag of $7MM.
·         There was concern that Option 4 does not meet the needs of the county with regard to room.
·         Others on the committee concurred and it was determine that the issue needs to go to Public Works to scale back the features of Option 2 to more closely fit the Option 4 price tag.
·         There is some concern that the county will get into the bonding process and then find out that the FEMA claim is approved. It was determined that it is more prudent to move along in the process using the 2015 lease expiration as a deadline.

·         There is also some concern in that some of the cost saving plans call for moving the building itself closer to the highway therefore limiting the amount of driveway. The city would like to add a retaining pond in that location. There was also some discussion by the Commissioners that the space nearest the highway might be better used for commercial development. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

City Council Notes: Feb. 4, 2014

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2014 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

State Senator Vicki Jensen provided some pre-session information regarding bills she is authoring/sponsoring.  I have attached the handout she provided for the session. 

The Mayor spoke about his trip to DC for the state of the union address as a guest of Congressman Tim Walz.

The most exciting thing on the agenda was the permit request to hold a wedding reception in a hangar at the airport, there was some discussion on the topic regarding the city competing with private businesses for this kind of space or event.  The request was ultimately approved based upon the groom's status as a pilot and his ties to the airport.