Thursday, February 28, 2013

County Board Notes-Feb. 26, 2013

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

County Commissioners heard updates on a number of items: South Country Health Alliance, plan to make Extension Program Coordinator and support staff at 80% time, discussion on seasonal material bids and highway equipment purchases, as well as paving projects for 2013.

The County will also be undergoing strategic planning efforts this year and have agreed to use Sicora Consulting to guide them through the process.  Commissioners originally thought the fee might be around $10,000-$12,000, but have agreed to pay $16,500 plus travel and materials (hoping to provide most materials in-house to keep costs lower).  The project is expected to close out in June 2013.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Highway 14: House Transportation Finance Committee Hearing

Administrator David Berg, Mayo Clinic
Health System - Owatonna (left) and President David Albrecht, Owatonna Hospital
(middle) testified on behalf of HF 210,
Representative Kathy Brynaert of Mankato (right).

The Highway 14 Partnership had another FANTASTIC committee hearing today in the House Transportation Finance Committee, where H.F. 210 was before the committee.  Chief-authored by Rep. Kathy Brynaert of Mankato, this bill provides the funding for completing the two unfinished segments of Highway 14.  

Rep. Brynaert has done a wonderful job and we also owe our testifiers a great deal of thanks for delivering such a compelling presentation:

Les Abraham- President, U.S. Highway 14 Partnership
Dave Albrecht- President, Owatonna Hospital
Dave Berg-Administrator, Mayo Health Clinic System-Owatonna
Beth Hodgman- West Concord
Audra Shaneman- President/CEO, New Ulm Area Chamber of Commerce
Jonathan Zierdt- President/CEO, Greater Mankato Growth

Les Abraham recounted how a 1968 newspaper article promised Highway 14’s completion within twenty years.  Dave Albrecht highlighted the hospital’s concerns with transporting patients on Highway 14.  Dave Berg discussed the concerns Highway 14 presents in recruiting medical professionals.  Beth Hodgman bravely discussed the loss of her husband Scott on Highway 14 in November 2012.  Audra Shaneman provided detailed information on the impact of Highway 14 on New Ulm’s economy.  Jonathan Zierdt discussed the regional economic and population growth and the necessity of having the infrastructure to support it.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in a House transportation finance omnibus bill. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tell the Governor on March 13: You can’t be pro-jobs and anti-business!

By David C. Olson
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce

Gov. Mark Dayton’s proposed budget has put Minnesota in the national headlines, and that’s not good. He proposes huge increases in taxes and spending with little reform in either. Policy-makers across the nation are seizing the opportunity to make a pitch to Minnesota businesses.

Rep. Erik Severson, a Duluth native now serving in the Wisconsin Legislature, fired one of the first salvos with a press release inviting companies to cross the border. Many may scoff at his open letter to Minnesota businesses, calling it premature and nothing more than a publicity stunt. But the underlying message cannot be lost: Minnesota can expect more serious efforts to lure businesses away if the governor’s anti-jobs measures are passed.

Rest assured, many are watching closely to see what happens.

From a Wall Street Journal editorial: “Washington may be a tax reform wasteland, but out in the states the action is hot and heavy. … This state reform trend is a rare bright spot in the current high-tax era, and it will further sharpen the contrast in economic policies between GOP reform Governors and the union-dominated high-tax models of California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts and now Minnesota, where Governor Mark Dayton proposed a huge tax hike. Let the policy competition begin.”

From Fox News:  “A Florida Republican congressman is welcoming to his home state Minnesota residents who migrate south to escape the Midwest’s notoriously cold, harsh winters -- now that their governor is trying to impose a so-called snowbird tax on them. ‘Dear Governor Mark Dayton,’ Rep. Trey Radel wrote. ‘…  As a Floridian, I am overjoyed to hear about your plan to raise taxes on Minnesotans, most especially the so-called snowbirds. Your proposal gives us a chance to shine here in the Sunshine State.’”

In fact, I was personally approached by Florida Gov. Rick Scott during a meeting with my colleagues from around the country. He told me matter-of-factly, “I hope Governor Dayton’s menu of tax increases passes.”

A day doesn’t pass that business owners don’t share their alarm over the governor’s measures. We hear your concerns loud and clear and are working full-time to underscore your priorities with policy-makers.

There is no substitute, however, for business owners and managers bringing your message directly to those who make the decisions that impact your daily operations. We make it easy on March 13 at our 20th annual Business Day at the Capitol. The governor will be on hand to address the luncheon and field questions; then we’ll transport you to the Capitol for prearranged visits with your legislators. Scott Wine, chairman and CEO of Polaris Industries, will deliver the keynote address.

Please join us for what traditionally is the largest business lobbying day at the Capitol. A record-breaking attendance is more important than ever this year.

David Olson is president of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce –

Take ACTION on the Governor's Tax Proposals

CLICK HERE to contact legislators and the Governor!

Governor Dayton's budget and tax proposals threaten Minnesota's economy and your business.  
  • Huge increases in spending, huge increases in taxes and little reform in either.
  • End result will harm the Minnesota economy, competitiveness and jobs.
  • There are other ways to solve the problem.

The business to business sales tax base expansion (legal, accounting, computer services, consulting, advertising, etc.) raises business taxes by $2.1 billion in the next biennium alone.

The new 4th tier on the personal income tax increases the top rate from 7.85% to 9.85% for taxable incomes greater than $250,000 married joint, and $150,000 single, raising $1.1 billion in the next biennium.

Spending reform is absent from the proposal. State budget reforms must focus on outcomes and priorities. Lawmakers need to become serious about spending reforms to position Minnesota for economic success.

Please contact the Governor, legislative leaders and your legislators immediately. Share the impact of this historic tax increase on your business and your employees.

Tool Kit:
To learn more about the Governor's proposal, and access tools to contact your legislators and engage your employees, access the Minnesota Chamber's toolkit at

Also, share your story with the Minnesota Chamber and offer to testify on February 27th at 7 PM or be present during the House Tax Committee hearing that night with your company logo-wear--showing business strongly opposes the budget and spending plan.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chamber Support of Viracon Expansion-TIF

Scott Kubicek, Advantage Cabinets and OACCT Chair of the Board delivers a letter of support at the February 19th City Council meeting for the work being done by the Owatonna Partners for Economic Development to secure a major expansion and investment by Viracon.  Specifically, the OACCT supports the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and the vacation of a portion of 4th Avenue to provide Viracon what is needed for the expansion to happen in Owatonna.

Pictured left to right: Dr. Mike Peterson, McGregor Chiropractic
and OACCT Public Policy Chair and Scott Kubicek, Advantage Cabinets
and OACCT Board Chair deliver a message of
support to City Council on the use of Tax Increment Finance
for the proposed Viracon expansion project.
A few of the reasons for support,include: job retention; keeping Viracon competitive in a global market; no tax loss; storm water improvements in the entire industrial park. and others.
Council voted to approve the TIF at the February 19th meeting.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Highway 14 Testimony-Senate Transportation Hearing

Pictured L to R:  front- Noreen Otto (State Government
Relations Director, Hy-Vee, Inc.), Sen. Jensen,
Katie Nelson (Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism), 
Amanda Duerr (U.S. Highway 14 Partnership); 
back-Jonathan Zierdt (President/CEO, Greater Mankato Growth), 
Aaron Lambrecht (VP/COO, Shelter Products, Inc), 
Roy Srp (Mayor, City of Waseca), 
Les Abraham (Owatonna City Council/U.S. Highway 14 Partnership President)

The U.S. Highway 14 Partnership gave a great presentation on the safety and economic concerns regarding Highway 14 in the Senate Transportation and Public Safety Budget Division on February 13th.

President Abraham discussed the importance of the 20 year plan and the long history of the project.  Katie Nelson discussed the concerns of medical facilities transporting patients on Highway 14.  Noreen Otto explained that Hy-Vee has many stores along the corridor and operates its own trucking fleet, and how travel on Hwy 14 is a concern both for their employees and their profit margins.  Jonathan Zierdt highlighted the growing populations and economies of the Highway 14 region and how the highway will become more insufficient with continued economic activity.  Aaron Lambrecht discussed how he and his wife don’t allow their children to ride the school bus on Highway 14 and how operating his sales/delivery business along Highway 14 puts him at a competitive disadvantage.  Mayor Srp explained the regional significance of the project and how government and business leaders have rallied together to complete Highway 14.

As with the other bills on the agenda, Sen. Jensen’s bill (SF 168) was laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus transportation bill.  Committee staff followed up with Amanda Duerr, lobbyist/communciations director for Flaherty & Hood, P.A. after the meeting and was told that Highway 14 had by far the best presentation of the eight bills before the committee.  Legislators were very engaged in the discussion and recognize the needs on Highway 14.  

This hearing was be helpful as the Hwy. 14 Partnership moves forward in the session.

Friday, February 8, 2013

County Board Notes-Feb. 5, 2013

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2013 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

  • Tax increment finance public hearing moved to 2/19/13 meeting due to changes JOBZ vs. TIF
  • Prolonged Concrete crushing permit for Safeway Foods spot until March 31st.
  • Flying Time Taxi LLC Licensing in city of O-Town approved.
  • Reconfiguring stop sign alignment approved @ 32nd and Bridge.
  • Approval made for proposal to create an escrow account in cases of fire damage over 50% of property value.
  • Approval for reserve police unit.
  • Small cities development grant public hearing to be held same evening as TIF 2/19/13
  • Approval to set a cap of property assessments at 50% of property value.
  • Item #8 above affected a number of further discussions; due to 50% assessment cap further improvements such as sidewalks may have to be re-figured to fit within cap.
  • Approval for improvements on 12th Ave. NW
  • Approval for improvements on Lemond Road
  • Approval for possible changes to sidewalk configuration on school street between walnut and Mosher (which entailed long discussion and a back to the drawing board option).  Adding a sidewalk section to complete the stretch over the 35 bridge west on bridge street(Towards Fleet Farm).  Adding a stretch again to complete the sidewalk on 21st Ave. NW to Hoffman drive.