Thursday, February 14, 2013

Highway 14 Testimony-Senate Transportation Hearing

Pictured L to R:  front- Noreen Otto (State Government
Relations Director, Hy-Vee, Inc.), Sen. Jensen,
Katie Nelson (Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism), 
Amanda Duerr (U.S. Highway 14 Partnership); 
back-Jonathan Zierdt (President/CEO, Greater Mankato Growth), 
Aaron Lambrecht (VP/COO, Shelter Products, Inc), 
Roy Srp (Mayor, City of Waseca), 
Les Abraham (Owatonna City Council/U.S. Highway 14 Partnership President)

The U.S. Highway 14 Partnership gave a great presentation on the safety and economic concerns regarding Highway 14 in the Senate Transportation and Public Safety Budget Division on February 13th.

President Abraham discussed the importance of the 20 year plan and the long history of the project.  Katie Nelson discussed the concerns of medical facilities transporting patients on Highway 14.  Noreen Otto explained that Hy-Vee has many stores along the corridor and operates its own trucking fleet, and how travel on Hwy 14 is a concern both for their employees and their profit margins.  Jonathan Zierdt highlighted the growing populations and economies of the Highway 14 region and how the highway will become more insufficient with continued economic activity.  Aaron Lambrecht discussed how he and his wife don’t allow their children to ride the school bus on Highway 14 and how operating his sales/delivery business along Highway 14 puts him at a competitive disadvantage.  Mayor Srp explained the regional significance of the project and how government and business leaders have rallied together to complete Highway 14.

As with the other bills on the agenda, Sen. Jensen’s bill (SF 168) was laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus transportation bill.  Committee staff followed up with Amanda Duerr, lobbyist/communciations director for Flaherty & Hood, P.A. after the meeting and was told that Highway 14 had by far the best presentation of the eight bills before the committee.  Legislators were very engaged in the discussion and recognize the needs on Highway 14.  

This hearing was be helpful as the Hwy. 14 Partnership moves forward in the session.

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