Thursday, April 17, 2014

City Council Notes-Aprl 15, 2014

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2014 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

We held a public hearing on the TIF district for Daikin Applied (McQuay) and passed the TIF modification.

We passed resolutions supporting Daiken and Jostens in their application for the MN Jobs Creation Fund for business expansion.

We had a hearing to address non-compliance issues with Charter Communications, the hearing was tabled until the next meeting.

We approved  a cooperative agreement with the county on doing some sanitary sewer repair on Dane Rd. to coincide with their repairs.

A proposed ordinance to increase setbacks on accessory structures was tabled to allow a meeting with the Planning Commission.

New polling places were designated for the primary election.

A contract was awarded for Boiler repair at the WWTP (treatment plant), unfortunately a local contractor was the low bidder but didn't fulfill all of the necessary requirements to win the bid. 

Authorization was approved to Bid this year's crack sealing. 

The public comment portion was used to discuss the proposed pay increase for the council and dissatisfaction with the City's efforts to bring in another cable TV provider. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

County Board Meeting Notes-April 8, 2014

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2014 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Dangerous Dog Ordinance meeting set for May, 6th, 2014

Authorize advertising for three or four bids for work to be done this summer,
Accepted bids on three projects to be done this summer.

Presentation and request for continued support and funding of the Steele County Humane society

Authorized the purchase of Veterans Service van and passed a resolution thanking Veteran groups for donations to purchase the van.

Employee actions where accepted except the resignation from Michael Johnson, Apparently he is not happy with some changes and has turned in a resignation, the board and administrator do not want him to go and are going to try and change his mind.

Most interesting item was the Conversation at the Committee of the whole on the future financial plan for the county.
Things of interest
  • They have 7.5 million built into the plan as a place holder for a Public works building.
  • We have about 20 years of service left with the landfill, conversation needs to begin on purchase of new land and or plans for a future landfill or contracting this out. 5-6 million in the next 5 years,
  • A mention of a Criminal Justice center to be discussed in the next 10 years or so. Approx cost 15 million plus.
  • Roofs are going to become an issue that needs attention in the next 5 years.