Most of the meeting was a consent agenda issuing permit for routine gambling permits. Only concern on the consent agenda was a wedding reception schedule at the airport on May 17, 2014 was tabled until the next meeting.
The major item of the meeting was the approval of the new construction of a Kwik Trip on 26th and Landmark Drive.
-Concerns were the bike path/ side walk from Landmark to Cedar Avenue. Who is going to maintain the bike path/walkway for snow removal and lawn care in the summer. The land owners (Kwik Trip) will maintain the pathway from their property line to west to Cedar Avenue.
-The council also brought up a concern of public safety. The kids participating in sport activities at Manthe Park crossing 26th Street to Kwik Trip with no cross walk. The cities position was citizens will have to travel west on the south side of 26yh street and cross 26th to the north on Cedar to access Kwik Trip. Council concern was kids were going to cross 26th at the new left turn lane for a short cut to Kwik Trip.
Other major topic was the addition of 4 new propane tanks for Pirkl Gas Inc. off of Mineral Springs Road.
-Decision was to place four new 45,000 lbs. storage propane storage tanks on the property.
-Two of the 45,000 lbs. tanks will be installed that meet the city code and meet the requirements set by the Minnesota state statute. Safety concerns were raised regarding the expansion of the two additional new 45,000 lbs. The business owner assured the council that Pirkl Gas has gone above and beyond the state requirements for safety and is confident that the state will approve the additional two 45,000 lbs. to be installed in the future on that site referred to above.
-Pirkl Gas is seeking State approval for the next two 45,000 lbs. tanks to be installed in the future. Pirkl Gas will install the infrastructure (i.e. base concrete in nature and empty 45,000 lb. propane cylinders) for the two additional 45,000 tanks to be installed in the future.