Completing the four-lane expansion of Highway 14 between Owatonna and Dodge Center is critical to our region’s economic success. Not only does this dangerous stretch of road have a fatality rate nearly double the statewide average, but traffic volumes are expected to more than double by 2030. Owatonna’s population and economy are growing, but employees’ ability to get to work and businesses’ ability to move their products and provide their services are being hampered by this insufficient two-lane road.
Four-lane expansion is needed to position Highway 14 for the future. Right now, MnDOT is developing its 20-year state highway investment plan, which will establish the highway projects that will be funded in the next two decades. We must ensure that Highway 14 is included in plan, or we risk the loss of additional lives and economic opportunity. Please sign up here to receive updates on Highway 14 and learn about ways you can help get this project done!