A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
-Lisa Havelka presented on Tourism efforts in 2012. Tourism award to Maxine Ronglein. Discussed other upcoming events.
-Bixby sewer project update given by county planner. Waiting on property owners to sign off on variances. May need to reapply for a variance. Looking to get bids out with two options - original plan and secondary plan for the sewer project.
-paving projects: 2012 paving . Pricing is up 33% this year for the bituminous mix, yet overall costs 10% under engineer estimates.
-review bids for land lease of ag land on the site purchased for new highway department building-will award to a farmer at tonight’s regular board meeting.
-May 8th meeting will review PowerPoint on highway building project. Hold open house presentation on the project in May 15th at 630pm. There will be a discussion at the May 8th committee of the whole about the highway project addressing the questions presented by the Chamber of Commerce.
-discussed what to name the new facility highway department.