A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Public Hearing on Street Improvements
Several residents and one business spoke regarding the street improvements for 2012, with Lemond Road having the most interest. Some residents questioned assessing property owners when State Aid was paying for the road. Others were concerned about the new sidewalk, and who would be responsible to take care of the snow and maintenance of the sidewalk. Owatonna Country Club had an attorney there and had a lot of questions for the City regarding the assessments. After some discussion it was recommended that the Lemond
Road portion would be delayed until the next meeting.
A number of Police Officers for Owatonna had the Oath of office with many fellow officers and family members in attendance. At least 100 people were in attendance for this and the Lemond Road issue.
Action item 3.2.1 regarding Prayer at Public Meeting was presented.
Report on Council participation on Boards and Committees.
Second Reading on proposed ordinance regarding Solar systems in Owatonna, with some public comment.
Resolution for the acceptance of the Cameo Theater property. The City will receive the property plus $75000 from Carmike. The cost to tear down and remove the building is estimated at $125,000, for a public cost to taxpayers of about $50,000 which is the estimated value of the land.
Linn Avenue between 18th St and Oakdale will be renamed Linn Drive.
Three students from Washington school spoke at Public Comment, regarding their concern on snow removal around school.