Jennifer Byers, MN Chamber of Commerce facilitates a regional issues discussion as the start of the new legislative session is around the corner. Contact Jennifer Byers with questions at 651-292-4673 or jbyers@mnchamber.com. |
Regional and statewide businesses face challenges from workforce and finding skilled employees to tax burdens and a need for reform.
Minnesota Chamber's Jennifer Byers shared with the regional group the organization's top Federation Partner issues that they'll be working on during the 2013 session. Issues include:
Workforce Development
Workforce development is a leadership issue for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. Our focus includes recommendations at both the K-12 and postsecondary education levels, and significant engagement by the Minnesota business community around the state.
K-12 Education
•Better alignment of K-12 and postsecondary standards and assessments to ensure that students are prepared to enter postsecondary education
•Expand postsecondary options for high school students
•Integrate career and workforce awareness so that students are knowledgeable about high demand careers
Postsecondary Education: Affordable and efficient
•Expand performance-benchmarked funding
•Improve cost control efforts
•Produce certificates and degrees in workforce demand areas
•Improve affordability for students
•Reduce remediation at postsecondary institutions
Collaborate & Innovate
•Emphasize public investment in research and outcomes
•Businesses must be a partner
Spending and Tax Reform
We know that tax reform will be a major focus of the 2013 Legislative Session. The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce will work to ensure that spending reform is at the center of the discussion.
Spending reforms should focus on:
•Adopting priorities and outcomes approach to budgeting
•Limit permanent spending increases to long-run trend in forecasted revenues
•More progressive and means-tested spending
Tax Reforms should:
•Be revenue neutral.
•Advance competitiveness, stability, efficiency and help grow Minnesota’s economy
•Not add any additional costs or burdens that will impede business retention or growth
•Enact some provisions that will help competitiveness such as sales tax e-fairness; capital equipment up-front exemption, as fiscal conditions allow
Health Insurance Exchange
We have an opportunity to work with the Legislature and the Governor to implement a Minnesota health insurance exchange. Key criteria for an effective exchange include:
•Private governance
•Financial independence
•Marketplace facilitator, not creator
•Maximize consumer choice
•Ensure accountability and continuous improvement
•Business driven
Our policy objective is to restructure electric rates so that all ratepayers pay the actual cost of service.
We plan to build on our recent track record to implement additional efficiencies in the environmental review process to ensure that permits are issued in a more timely and affordable manner, while still protecting Minnesota’s environment.
Election Reform
The Minnesota Chamber supports moving the primary to June to drive stronger voter turn-out, ensure a more representative candidate selection process and maximize voter and constituent contact during the campaign.