Wednesday, December 19, 2012

OACCT Public Policy Committee Outlines 2013 Agenda with City Council

OACCT President Brad Meier and Public Policy
committee members Andy Michaeltz and Steve Kath
thank City Council for their LEAN efficiency efforts
 in 2012 and present Policy's 2013 Legislative Agenda.

The Chamber's Public Policy committee thanked the City Council for their LEAN efficiency efforts made in 2012 at their Dec. 18th meeting.

Chamber President Brad Meier also shared the Chamber's 2013 Legislative Agenda so Council could see where local business interests and issues will stack up next year.

2013 Goals and Issues:
Public Policy to attend 90% of all City Council meetings and report to the membership via website blog posting.

Top Issues:

  • City Efficiency: continue the LEAN process improvement plan at the City of Owatonna started in 2010 and funded by two grants obtained by the Chamber (complete a total of 8 process improvements).
  • City Budget Process: advocate costs alignment directly with programming and a plan for reduction in Local Government Aid (LGA).
  • School District: Share business community’s input on future school district proposals; represent business in the superintendant search, potential levy and actively represent business and area workforce development in potential budget cuts.
  • Property taxes: be watchful of public sector’s proposals, purposes and gains for tax payers.  Identify as much quality for business in property taxes increase proposals, if it’s not there, oppose the increase.

Friday, December 14, 2012

MN Chamber Hosts Regional Issues Discussion

Jennifer Byers, MN Chamber of Commerce facilitates
a regional issues discussion as the start of the new
legislative session is around the corner.
Contact Jennifer Byers with questions at
651-292-4673 or

Regional and statewide businesses face challenges from workforce and finding skilled employees to tax burdens and a need for reform.

Minnesota Chamber's Jennifer Byers shared with the regional group the organization's top Federation Partner issues that they'll be working on during the 2013 session.  Issues include:

Workforce Development
Workforce development is a leadership issue for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.  Our focus includes recommendations at both the K-12 and postsecondary education levels, and significant engagement by the Minnesota business community around the state.

K-12 Education
•Better alignment of K-12 and postsecondary standards and assessments to ensure that students are prepared to enter postsecondary education
•Expand postsecondary options for high school students
•Integrate career and workforce awareness so that students are knowledgeable about high demand careers
Postsecondary Education:  Affordable and efficient
•Expand performance-benchmarked funding
•Improve cost control efforts
•Produce certificates and degrees in workforce demand areas
•Improve affordability for students
•Reduce remediation at postsecondary institutions
Collaborate & Innovate
•Emphasize public investment in research and outcomes
•Businesses must be a partner

Spending and Tax Reform
We know that tax reform will be a major focus of the 2013 Legislative Session.  The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce will work to ensure that spending reform is at the center of the discussion.

Spending reforms should focus on:
•Adopting priorities and outcomes approach to budgeting
•Limit permanent spending increases to long-run trend in forecasted revenues
•More progressive and means-tested spending

Tax Reforms should:
•Be revenue neutral.
•Advance competitiveness, stability, efficiency and help grow Minnesota’s economy
•Not add any additional costs or burdens that will impede business retention or growth
•Enact some provisions that will help competitiveness such as sales tax e-fairness; capital equipment up-front exemption, as fiscal conditions allow

Health Insurance Exchange
We have an opportunity to work with the Legislature and the Governor to implement a Minnesota health insurance exchange. Key criteria for an effective exchange include:

•Private governance
•Financial independence
•Marketplace facilitator, not creator
•Maximize consumer choice
•Ensure accountability and continuous improvement
•Business driven

Our policy objective is to restructure electric rates so that all ratepayers pay the actual cost of service.

We plan to build on our recent track record to implement additional efficiencies in the environmental review process to ensure that permits are issued in a more timely and affordable manner, while still protecting Minnesota’s environment.

Election Reform
The Minnesota Chamber supports moving the primary to June to drive stronger voter turn-out, ensure a more representative candidate selection process and maximize voter and constituent contact during the campaign.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coffee with State Legislature

Representative Elect John Petersburg and Senator Elect Vicki Jensen
met with members this morning to discuss
business issues like Highway 14, tax reform,
E-12 Education and state budget.  
OACCT members gathered to meet to our newly elected state representatives, gain their insights on how a new majority caucus will effect legislation and ask how our officials will approach the completion of Highway 14.

We look forward to working with Senator Jensen and Representative Petersburg.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

County Legislative Agenda Check-In: Dec. 11, 2012

OACCT Public Policy Committee meets with
County Commissioners to  check-in on  business issue
progress made this year and to share
2013 legislative/business priorities with them.
Members of the OACCT's Public Policy committee attended the County Commissioner's Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday to thank them for their efforts on greater transparency with online efforts like the budget, meeting notices and meeting agendas with supporting documentation, all of which were items the Public Policy committee discussed with them earlier this year.

The Policy committee also shared the organization's 2013 legislative agenda to give clarity and encourage open communication to our elected officials of business issues and priorities for the upcoming year. Items include: advocating for an economically reasonable size and scope of the Public Works project; transparency with county meetings either streamed online or available via cable broadcasting; and supporting local government in local control versus state or federal mandated initiatives.

Commissioners shared that the Facilities Committee of county met earlier that day to discuss a "restart" of the Public Works facility.  Brainstormed items included enlarging the committee with other people, possibly from the public or business community; commissioners to appoint a constituent to serve on the committee, educate this group on what's been done to date and then move forward.  The OACCT again offered assistance or involvement in future steps with this project.

Monday, December 10, 2012

City Council Notes-Nov. 20, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Items of note:

1) Cable agreement - Jaguar has expressed interest as well as Hickory Tech.  However Hickory Tech has put in major infrastructure recently elsewhere, so looking at next 3-5 years for Owatonna.

2)  Flood Grant Demo - Two additional homes have been purchased for demolition - net effect to the budget = $0 (there will be a timing difference of payment of costs and reimbursement under the grant)

3)  Farm Land Lease - YOY increase in income is due to 5 parcels going to bid.  Based on bids received, remaining parcels will be renegotiated by city and may increase income further.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dept. of Revenue Responds to Sales Use & Tax Audit Concerns

Dept of Revenue Commissioner Myron Frans presents info
on tax reform to spark a discussion from local business owners
 and managers.  Also presented was the Dept. of Revenue's response
 to a June meeting where OACCT members shared
concerns regarding Sales Use & Tax Audits.
In June this year, the Owatonna Chamber was the first chamber in the state to host a forum with the MN Dept. of Revenue and Commissioner Frans regarding sales use and tax audits.

Members shared concerns like:
  • clarity of the sales and use tax laws and many businesses are surprised with tax burdens they were not previously aware of in spite of diligent efforts to understand and comply with the regulations
  • educate first with new tax law; fine after diligent efforts have not been met
  • audits consume valuable time, money and energy of our small businesses 
  • auditors’ interpretation of the tax laws seem to deviate from the best and generally accepted practices in the tax code
Last week on November 28th, Commissioner Frans and his team were back to share their response to these concerns. Link here for their answers.  Commissioner Frans also lead a tax reform discussion and the overall theme was to simplify tax laws to make it easier for businesses to file.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

County Board Notes-Nov. 27, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

County's home health care received an award from Medicare/Medicade that recognizes the top 20% of agencies based on a consumer/client (third party) survey.

Owatonna Partners for Economic Development (OPED) members Brad Meier and Troy Klecker, along with Denny Meillier, asked the commissioners to allow a full access intersection at Landmark Dr. Economic development projects would benefit and start if this intersection existed   County Engineer Anita Benson reported  that full access intersections have 32 ways for vehicle crashes versus a right-in-right-out that has 4 ways; a traffic study would recommend against this type of intersection as it has in past years. The commissioners could have Anita review the OPED proposal alongside the county policies. No formal request has been made of the county at this time (following their permit process); the topic was timely with the county budget discussion.

Other items to be discussed were the 2013 budget review and the administrator's report.    

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

County Board Notes-Nov. 13, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

County Commissioners reviewed the County's Emergency Plan in the first-of-its kind web platform.  The website based plan allows access to the detailed plan (via username and password) and eliminates the impractical guide book and CD ROM   Emergency Manager Mike Johnson presented the site including the Everbridge notification system, operations plan and communications plan.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

City Council Notes-Nov. 5, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

1)  The first item was regarding the state theater demolition.  The costs were reviewed and approved.

2) The second item on the docket was a discussion over the charter franchise renewal.  The city administrator went over a very thorough review of the public hearings that were held regarding the public's concerns over charter.
She stated that the majority of the feedback was over concern for increased competition to moderate price as well as better service regarding our local cable.  There was also discussion about possible upgrades to counsel
chambers in order to attain better coverage of meetings.  It appears that should the franchise renewal occur, the term will be somewhere between 5 and 10 years.  All of the information regarding the charter decision will be placed
on the city web site and the public is able to read or make comments that will be taken under advisement before the next meeting.  The vote on whether to renew charter's franchise will occur at the November 20th, 2012 meeting.

3)  The third item discussed had to do with the mowing of nuisance weeds and grass.  Apparently there are a number of individuals who have not paid for the cost of nuisance weed removal and the proposal was to place the unpaid
portion on these individual's property taxes.  Motion approved.

4)  There was a motion and approval of seven judges her precinct this year for the election due to high potential voter turnout.

5)  There was a motion and approval to allow a 30 minute parking on the North side of East Broadway between Elm and Grove on election day in 2012; as well as in the future.
There was also discussion to make sure that Federated was notified 24 hours prior to each election.

6) There was a motion and approval for a permanent easement to allow the Cashman family to build a berm on city property near the airport.
The purpose of the berm would be to mitigate future flood issues and has no effect on any tangible cost or liability for the city of Owatonna.

7)  The labor agreement with MPEA (Minnesota public employees Association) was approved.

8) No Public Comments.  A few Council comments promoting voting on Tuesday.  Meeting adjourned.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Complete Hwy. 14

Completing the four-lane expansion of Highway 14 between Owatonna and Dodge Center is critical to our region’s economic success.  Not only does this dangerous stretch of road have a fatality rate nearly double the statewide average, but traffic volumes are expected to more than double by 2030.  Owatonna’s population and economy are growing, but employees’ ability to get to work and businesses’ ability to move their products and provide their services are being hampered by this insufficient two-lane road.

Four-lane expansion is needed to position Highway 14 for the future.  Right now, MnDOT is developing its 20-year state highway investment plan, which will establish the highway projects that will be funded in the next two decades.  We must ensure that Highway 14 is included in plan, or we risk the loss of additional lives and economic opportunity.   Please sign up here to receive updates on Highway 14 and learn about ways you can help get this project done!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Council Notes: Oct. 16, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Public Hearing on 2012 Sewer and Street projects.  The interest rate will be lowered from 7% to around 3 ½% for outstanding balances.  The new interest rate will be 2% higher than the City’s cost of funds.  The City has been charging 7% interest on outstanding assessments but their cost of funds has been much lower. This change will more accurately reflect interest costs.

Ken Beck was recognized as Building Official.  Mr. Beck was in this position as temporary after the previous building official resigned.  Council and Mayor reported several positive comments they have received regarding building inspection department.

Second Reading on Ordinance 9-12, which allows OPU to be able to collect past due utility bills with property taxes.

$550,102 expenditures presented for approval, including $35,000 to Front Door realty for Hospital Sale Realty Fee.

Park & Rec budget meeting
City is looking to recover $640,000 for damaged trees at Brooktree Golf
Capital Improvement for 2013
Building Maintenance
Amount Requested  $102,000
Amount Recommended   $12,000 for Merrill Hall windows
Looking ahead for 2014 they are budgeting 1.1 million for the roof at City Hall

Park & Rec CIP
Amount Requested  $847,200
Amount Recommended  $43,000 (30k for Tennis Center, 10k Play Equipment, 3k Senior Place doors)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

County Board Notes-Oct. 23, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Human Service expenses for the month was $287,507.

SE MN Human Service Delivery Authority assessment is $25,453 this amount will be matched by the Bush Foundation.  This is the collaboration between counties to provide more streamline, more efficient services between counties in the area of human services.

Set a public hearing for the Bixby Sewer District fees for resident.  Administrator Shea stated it is not required by law but felt it was a good faith effort to inform residents what fees they will be charged.

Sheriff Lon Theile reported the capital improvements to the Law Enforcement Center in the areas of evident room and the radio system, new “Mug shot” inmate reporting system. He also reported finalizing the contract with the city of Medford for patrol services, the contract is 3 ½ % higher than the last contract.  The contract for Ellendale patrol services will be in place by the November County Board Meeting.  Both contracts need to be signed by county administrator, board chair and Sheriff.

Amended contract with Oak Glen Wind Farm.  Most of work is completed and has no outstanding deficiencies.

Monday, October 22, 2012

County Commissioner Candidate Forum

Steele County Commissioner candidates discussed a variety of topics like what their leadership would bring to the county, their stance on the Public Works facility, MnDOT negotiations with the Hwy. 14 turnback and their opinion on per diem/reimbursements for serving on the commission.

Candidates include:
2nd District: Karen Docksey ★ Doug Johnson
3rd District: Matt Durand ★ Mark Schultz
4th District: James Ebeling ★ Roger Wacek
5th: Nina Huntington

View a summary video here:

VOTE November 6th!

Forum partners: Owatonna People's Press, Noon & Early Edition Rotary Clubs and the Owatonna Area 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Senate & House 24A Candidates Square Off

Senate candidates Vicki Jensen and Vern Swedin, as well as House 24A candidates Craig Brenden and John Petersburg shared their stance on working across the aisle, education funding (both K-12 and higher education), Last In First Out (LIFO) legislation, local government aid and business taxes.

VOTE November 6th!

Forum partners: Owatonna People's Press, Noon & Early Edition Rotary Clubs and the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism

Thursday, October 11, 2012

MnDOT's "dividing the pie" 20-year plan

Representatives from MnDOT walk local stakeholders through a "MnSHIP" meeting in Makato on Oct. 10th.  MnSHIP is the state highway investment plan, which also creates the 20-year capital plan.
Ryan Wilson, planning engineer for MnDOT presented
MnSHIP investment plan  discussion points
 based on "dividing the pie" differently in the
next 20-year plan that should be completed by May/June of 2013.

Stakeholders were presented the current status of the plan and how the resources are divided, then two options of investment in the next 20-year plan were given as launching points for discussion.  These were not final or even voting options, but a discussion starter so stakeholders could "walk in MnDOT's shoes" and see how difficult dividing the resources is on a limited $18M budget. 

MnDOT plans to gather stakeholder input at 9 regional meetings throughout the state before designing their draft of the 20-year plan for the 2013 legislature.

More investment for new roads, like Highway 14, was not presented as a possible option or discussion point. They are planning on using the funds to maintain what we currently have for roads, bridges, non-motorized transportation and Twin Cities mobility.

"I was disappointed.  It seems like they (MnDOT) just wanted us to give approval on what they've already done," stated Highway 14 President Les Abraham. "They're going to focus on maintaining instead of new roads."

Go to for more information on MnSHIP.

Timeline for the 20-year plan:
End of October: complete public input
November: compile results for MnDOT leadership
Early December: set investment direction
January: districts compile 10-year project work plans
End of March: draft plan available for public review
April: public hearing on final plan
May/June: adopt final plan

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

County Board Notes-Oct. 9, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Committee of the Whole-3 PM
Commissioners are trying to grapple with distrust, the turnback approach (project vs lump sum) and MnDOT's lack of incentive to negotiate with Steele County.

The County Board continues to find frustrations with the Highway 14 turnback negotiations with MnDOT. Distrust, phantom documents and deadlines, inconsistencies in the agreement leaves the Board discussing the best approach, and wondering how far to push the issue with limited positive results for the county.

Commissioner Kubicek asked the Board if the county is willing to go to court?  If taken to court, the best result that could happen would be the removal of limited access to turnback funds; the county would still have to negotiate with MnDOT, leaving all commissioners realistically wondering if negotiations would improve at that point (after having been to court) and MnDOT could still choose to cut the county out of the turnback money, which would be a hard hit for Steele County. Also, a consideration is any ill-will or push back from MnDOT on the completion of Highway 14 from Owatonna to Dodge Center.

One option  the commissioners discussed is to accept MnDOT's turnback agreement, with the stipulation of using a mediator with a final completion date. The turnback agreement model the commissioners would like to use/agree to would be a recent 2011 Chisago County project based model (totals are tallied when the work/project is complete), not a lump sum model (with estimates of cost that MnDOT is currently proposing).

The latest word from MnDOT gives the Board until Oct. 17 to respond to their latest proposal.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

City Council Notes-Oct. 2, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Resolutions approved were in relation to the Fareway/Mayo Clinic site development and progress:
48-12-Sale of property to Fareway Stores, Inc.
49-12-Sale of property to Mayo Health System, Owatonna
50-12-Preliminary and final plat of Fareway Food Stores Addition (which were some OPU and private easements)

Ordinances approved were related to the Fareway Foods site development and new Walzer car dealer:
3.5.1-second reading of zone change for the former Owatonna Hospital/Mayo Clinic administrative offices
3.5.2-zone change for the new Walzer property from ag land to commercial  as well as a larger/taller sign for interstate traffic (requirements will be in place)
3.5.3-Utilities liens: this allows OPU to take past due bills and nonpayments and post on the tax rolls

Contracts approved were:
Local 70, IUOE (public works): slight salary increase over a two year period (1% in 2012, 1% in early 2013 and .5% in mid-2013)
Local 1920 (firefighters): same salary increase as above; some add'l clothing/uniform costs were added
Nonunion wages: the same wage increase above was approved for nonunion wages

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

County Board Notes-Sept. 25, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

At the Committee of the Whole meeting:

  • Two new county employees were introduced from Public Health Nursing.
  • Commissioners discussed a budget hearing/truth in taxation date (potentially Dec. 11 at 6 PM)
  • Charity Floen and Melinda Skalicky presented MnDOT's 3C's (cooperation, consolidation and collaboration), which is to improve the overall state of transportation in MN. Two other transit providers are interested in the SCAT bid. County is under contract with the Owatonna Bus Company through the end of 2012. The Owatonna Bus Company intends to bid again, but voiced their concern with not being able to compete with non-profit entities on cost.
  • Commissioners reviewed and discussed the Fareway Foods traffic study and permit; they intended to approve at the 7 PM meeting.
  • Highway 14 Turn Back: Anita Benson is having trouble getting information back from MnDOT to further review and negotiate the old Hwy. 14.  A similar approach as Waseca has recently taken was discussed-there potentially could be county attorney action in the future. MnDOT is taking core samples tomorrow. The county has rejected the lump sum project; MnDOT's deadline is Oct. 12. More information is intended to arrive shortly from MnDOT.
  • Appx. $970,000 is still to be cut from the budget to hit the 2.4% levy increase.

School Board Candidate Forum-Oct. 1, 2012

Candidate forums are heating up this fall as a number events are designed to bring the business community closer to the views of Owatonna citizens seeking office. Below is a photo and link to a short summary video of the October 1st School Board forum.

Forums are held Monday's in October (save the 29th) at the Owatonna Country Club, 1991 Lemond Rd. at Noon (free of charge and the public is welcome).  Forum partners are the Owatonna Chamber of Commerce, Owatonna People's Press and the Noon and Early Edition Rotary Clubs.

Ron Van Nurden gives his views at the School Board Candidate Forum on Oct. 1.
Van Nurden is seeking a four-year term on the school board.
Candidates seeking four-year terms:
David Anderson
Ronald Van Nurden
Keynen Wall
Dale Fairbanks
Eric Schuster

Candidates seeking two-year terms:
Mark Sebring
Bill Wall

Friday, September 21, 2012

City Public Works Budget Study Session Notes: Sept.18, 2012

Public Works Budget Study Session notes.

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

They have been working on Cost Avoidance this year.

  • Painting curbs and strips at night to avoid traffic.
  • Sharing vehicles between departments.
  • Leased equipment to tear houses down rather than purchase it.
  • Used city labor to make improvements at Waste Water Plant.

Note: Waste Water Treatment Plant has received Excellence Award 19 of the past 22 years.

Storm Water – Cleaned up river with volunteers.

Goals for 2013

  • Work on storm water flow problems.
  • Increase work on road improvements
  • Increase security at Waste Water Plant.

It was very difficult to hear anything that was being said, so I am sure I missed much of the important stuff. I have also attached a couple of pie charts that they passed around.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

County Board Notes-Sept. 11, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

3 PM Committee of the Whole

-Commissioners were to be introduced to new employees; not present/available
-Commissioners heard an update from Charity Floen on the Regional Redesign-Resolution.  Mower and Dodge counties are moving forward with the partnership; Freeborn and Houston counties are out.  Owatonna and Waseca counties are yet to pass a resolution to commit to the partnership. The Bush Foundation is funding up to $80,000 for this partnership effort.
-The commissioners were presented the 2013 preliminary levy budget by Shea and department heads (Victim Services, Jail). Commissioners approved a 2.4% levy increase ($21,349,842.00) at the 7 PM meeting that night.  Shea and departments are to lower the 2.4% before the final adoption.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

City Council Notes-Sept. 4, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

There were two major points of business to this meeting and they are highlighted below:
Public Hearing: Development plan for Tax Increment Financing (former hospital/Fareway Foods/Sacred Heart Church project)

-Full presentation on the project and all the parts including the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) from the City of Owatonna to make the project work.
-A lengthy presentation explaining how the TIF will work was given by the City’s consultant on this project.
-Several questions were asked by the council.
-Pat Hagen, Fareway Foods gave a short overview of the company and how the process came together between all the parties involved in this site.  He said that everyone had to feel good about the outcome for it to work and to his knowledge all parties are happy with the potential outcome.

Details of the TIF can be found at :
Resolution to approve the increment financing district and use of TIF was approved by the City Council and a hearing date was set on a business subsidy for the $200,000 in TIF being considered for Mayo Health Systems.  That hearing will be on Sept. 18th.

Council approved a resolution setting a proposed levy for 2013.  The council approved the resolution which reflects a 2% levy increase over 2012.  This can be adjusted down from the 2% by the council at the time of their final budget approval but cannot go any higher.

Council also approved a levy for the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) of $120,000 which is the same level of funding for the last 12 years.  

In addition, Council approved proposed budget for 2013.  The final budget will be approved in December, no later than Dec. 18th.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

City Council Notes-Aug. 21, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

-Bid from Wencl Construction was approved for the demolition of the State Theater.  Total bid was approx $85k.  Carmike Theaters is contributing $75k toward the work.  With additional work, including laying sod, the project will cost approx $90k.  With all of the preliminary work done by the city (engineers, etc) plus the actual demolition, the net cost to the city will be approx $45k.  Completion date of all of the demo will be 10/22/12.  City will attempt to work with the contractor to limit interruption to downtown businesses.

-As it was reported in the newspaper, Fairway Foods has expressed interest in the old hospital site.  It is expected that Mayo will maintain the newest portion of the existing facility, the remaining building will be demolished.  Sacred Heart will purchase the homes close to the property.  Fairway foods will contribute $1.2M toward demolition of the hospital and the homes that Sacred Heart purchases.
It was noted that Fairway foods is not a 24 hour grocery chain.  They are closed on Sundays, holidays and close regularly in the evenings.

-14th Street paving -- City Engineer believed the work on 14th street near McKinley Elementary will be complete before school begins.  However, they are working on a contingency plan if the work is not complete.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

County Board Notes-July 24, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

Monday, July 23, 2012

City Council Notes-July 17, 2012

A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

-Proclamation of “Night to Unite” by Tom Kuntz Aug. 7, 2012
-Fin. Report – Bills read to be paid ….council approval…  no unusual bills read normal expenses
-Fire department reports no new business.
-Permits were issued to the following organizations for raffle and street closures Elk’s, Lakeside Foods, Crazy Days, Truth Hardware Employee Club
-Renewal or the SEMCAC lease as in past years
-Street improvements Permits Variance for Food & Fuel on 401 – North Cedar sign to be approved
-Discussion on the side walk improvements in the City of Owatonna by Troy Klecker representative of the city
-He described the plan to improve the sidewalks. Council requested a plan as to what sidewalks will be replaced and the residents will be informed of the improvements
-Kris Busse reported that the city will hold a public hearing on the Charter Cable contract on July 31, 2012 in the City Council Chamber
-Filing for City Council positions and mayoral seats are open until the 14th of August, 2012
-Council input: Ray Trulson requested  step-up enforcement on the intersection of Bridge and Moser Ave. a lot of close calls at that intersection

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

County Board Notes-July 10, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
    1. Human Services-Fleet Vehicles.Charity Floen presented the request for two minivans. The court is ordering family visits and home assessments with increasing frequency. Human Services needs access to vehicles that accommodate multiple children and their various child safety seats. Tom recommends purchasing the vehicles over leasing them due to the access to various reimbursement programs. The federal programs are based on a percentage of the IRS allowable millage rate. The percentage depends on the specific purpose of the use. 
      Nina asked if the “fleet tracking” system that the Highway Department is considering would be of use with tracking the mileage of these vehicles for the federal reimbursement. Tom mentioned that given the vans may be used by other departments the tracking is especially important and that several “Crown Vics” should be included in the initial fleet tracking. Anita stated the tracking software is on the plan for 2013. 

      The general consensus is that the vehicle purchase was a good idea and the tracking is important but the hours required to input the mileage should not be the burden of any one department.
    2. Bixby Sewer ImprovementThe preliminary hearings will be tonight. Bids will be taken the 24th. The county is still working towards grants of 75% of “eligible costs”.
    3. Award of Bid SAP 74-599-29
    4. Out of five bidders the low bid is from Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, MN. After additional research it was decided to award the bid to Fitzgerald.
    5. Strategic Plan DirectionTom stated that the board had the 1995 Strategic Plan to review as well as the notes from the consultant hired last year. The general consensus of the board is that the county should proceed with a new plan but that the committee be composed of representatives from the staff, the board, and the administration. Doug and Nina will represent the board. Laura Ihrke (?) and Dan McIntosh (?) will represent the staff. Tom and Anita will represent the administration. This committee will report to the Committee of the Whole on a regular basis. 

    Thursday, June 28, 2012

    County Board Notes-June 26, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

    Anita Benson presented the board with rough numbers associated with reductions to the plan. She made it clear that these reductions were not recommendations. She referred to the spreadsheet for details.

    The largest reductions include the elimination of the administration and training areas. There will be an additional reduction in paving requirements because there will be fewer people parking there. Anita said there will need to be some office space for the crews but this space can be outfitted with the furnishings from the temporary location.

    The reduction of a wash bay and some of the equipment storage will be partially offset by the additional gravel needed for outside parking.

    Anita has a concern that the reduction of the contingency to 1% may be too severe. She said again that the Facility Committee is not recommending these reductions because each has a real operational cost associated with it. She said that they have not taken the time to calculate these costs.

    Anita said that spring 2013 is the earliest that any project would start and that they have already contacted the landlord about this.

    Anita stated that the committee is looking for direction from the board. FEMA is still an uncertainty but maybe there will be more information available in the fall. She proposed that the same amount of thought needs to go into this revised plan as went into the original plan.

    Corky expressed that his opinions are well documented in the minutes. He wants the engineering offices to be part of the plan.  Other questions /concerns of the board include:

    • Will a change in the roofline impact the construction costs?
    • What are the actual costs associated with the reductions? Specifically what is the cost of losing the operational efficiency of the administration office portion of the project?
    • What about shortened equipment life…etc. How much of the equipment will be stored outside in the new plan vs. the original plan and what is the value of that equipment? 
    • How can in-house crews be used to lower construction costs? 
    • What is CPU’s plan to provide service to the new facility? 
    • If the plan is to construct the facility in phases, there needs to be a real schedule of these phases and not another “Highway 14” scenario.

    The general consensus of the board is that July 10th is an unrealistic time frame. It is agreed that the county needs a building and they want to take the time to “do the homework” on the revised proposal prior to setting a date for a public hearing.

    Wednesday, June 27, 2012

    Members Question Dept. of Revenue-Sales Tax

    OACCT members give examples of difficulties following sales tax laws,
    as well as encounters with state auditors.
    Commissioner Frans and his team plan to respond to the
    suggestions and examples later this summer.

    Commissioner Frans, Asst. Commissioner for Business Taxes Mansun and Sales Tax Director Pam Evans listen to Owatonna Chamber members concerns about audits.

    Some suggestions for improvement: Make it easier!  The system is very complex and difficult to businesses to follow the rules; communicate with businesses a change on similarly themed items found during an audit--share those findings with like businesses in that industry; time frame for audits drag out for months-it's unacceptable since audits demand lots of time and resources.

    Commissioner Frans plans to report back the findings in a summary.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    County Updates Chamber on Tracked Issues

    Thanks to Administrator Shea for attending today's Chamber Public Policy committee meeting to give us updates on a couple items the Chamber is tracking at the county level this year: 1) streaming/broadcasting board meetings; 2) user-friendly budget available online and the county budget process.

    Shea reported that the broadcasting of board meetings has been put on the back burner due to other issues.  The budget is available online, but not in it's entirety.  He expects by the end of this budget cycle that a compilation of the budget will be available.

    He also outlined a general timeline of the county's budget process: departments have already started reviewing their budgets; by August/September the board will get involved to review with committees the departments' budgets; the final number will be set by December, although the board will have a good idea by September (truth in taxation deadline).

    To track these issues or to follow other issues the Chamber is watching, go to

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012

    Reps share session wrap up highlights with members

    Senator Parry and Representative Kath shared the last session highlights with members from OACCT.

    Click here to view a video highlight of the event.

    City Council Notes: June 5, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
    • The Mayor gave a proclamation for Amateur Radio Week the week of June 18th. 
    • There was a Public Hearing for the preliminary assessment to certain areas for sidewalk, curb, gutter and driveway repairs.  The council provided a list of all that would be impacted.  Surprisingly, there was not anyone that spoke out against the assessment.  My understanding is that it will now go to a vote of approval from the council at a later meeting.
    • The council approved a series of agenda items including permits and meeting minutes.
    • The Council approved a rezoning issue with Manke’s property to allow for some new signage (already installed and did not realize that they were not zoned appropriately to allow for the sign).
    • Approval of the proposed SCAT bus route.
    • Kris Busse gave a brief synapsis of their Strategic Plan – which was approved.
    • A series of city improvements were approved.

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Members Connect w/ Officials at Coffee Events

    Chamber members-
    Don't miss a couple upcoming Coffee with.... events!

    June 13th-session wrap up event with Senator Parry and Representative Kath.  Click here for more details.

    June 27th-discussion with Commissioner Frans with the MN Dept. of Revenue on business Sales & Use Tax Audits.  Click here for more details.

    Check out for other news, events and Chamber issue tracking!

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    Chamber Board Opposes $13M Public Works Building

    Proposed $13M public works facility site plan 
    The OACCT Board of Directors recently opposed and informed Steele County Commissioners, as well as Administrator Shea, the current proposed $13M public works building.

    The proposal adds significant space to the county inventory while costing taxpayers a large sum of money.  Specifically, according to the Steele County Assessor's website, commercial/industrial business pay approximately 28% of all local property taxes.  Thus, the business community has a large stake in a project of this size.

    If the county commissioners choose to support funding the current project proposal at $13M+ at the June 12th, 7 PM meeting, then it is the position of the OACCT that the eligible voters of Steele County should have the opportunity to vote on the bonds for this project at the next election date as identified in state statute.  

    View the OACCT's steps to this point and the full letter to county commissioners here.

    Friday, June 1, 2012

    Business Brief Newsletter Goes Policy Focused

    Advocacy Business Brief Issue-June 2012
    Business advocacy is a major concern for our members.

    That's why this month's Business Brief newsletter focuses exclusively on actions the OACCT has taken, and continues to work on, for pro-business and growth locally, statewide and federally.

    Please take a look at this issue and let us know what you think!

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012

    City Council Notes-May 15, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

    1.4.1-3 Council accepted Daniel McIntosh’s resignation from the Airport Commission, approved Tom Harrison as new Airport Commissioner, and the mayor administered the oath of office to Tom Harrison

    1.6 Council approved payment of city expenditures in the amount of $605,835.88

    2 Consent Agenda; Council approved all items.

    3.2.1 Bill Effertz, County Assessor, reviewed a list of properties, explained the difficulty of making some assessments, and advised that anyone with questions or seeking to appeal may do so at the June 14 County Board of Equalization meeting. Council approved the report.

    3.2.3 Wells Fargo Bank requested a handicap parking stall be located in front of its business on East Broadway. The city will relocate a handicap parking stall along East Park Square, which is not in front of any businesses and will be used more if moved, to the Wells Fargo location. The new handicap stall will eliminate a 30-minute stall in front of the bank, and the previous handicap stall will become a 2-hour stall. The cost of changing the signage is minimal. Council approved this move.

    3.4.1 Council approved moving the 4th Ward polling site from the fairgrounds to St. John’s Lutheran Church while the county fair is in session, so the 2012 Primary Election will not be disrupted. Council approved this move.

    The agenda items may be found online at the following links:  (Items 1-2)  (Items under 3)

    Filing Dates for Elected Officials Nearing

    Have You Considered Running for Office?

    Open seats and filing dates:

    Steele County: Filing: May 22-June 5
    County Commissioner for District 2 – Two year term
    County Commissioner for District 3 – Four year term
    County Commissioner for District 4 – Four year term
    County Commissioner for District 5 – Four year term
    File with the Steele County Auditor, 630 Florence Avenue, Owatonna

    City of Owatonna: Filing: July 31 – August 14
    Member at Large
    Second Ward
    Fourth Ward
    File at City Hall, City Clerk’s office, 540 West Hills Circle

    School Board: Filing: July 31- August 14
    Board of Director- Four year term
    Board of Director- Four year term
    Board of Director- Four year term
    Board of Director-Two year term
    File at the School District Office, 515 W. Bridge St., Owatonna

    Monday, May 14, 2012

    Inspections/Building Dept Launches Website

    The City of Owatonna Building Inspections dept. has launched a new website and is looking forward to providing enhanced customer service and improved communication.

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    $13M County Public Works Project

    Steele County is proposing a $13M new public works building.  Chamber members have been expressing many questions about the cost of this project.  The Chamber policy committee has asked many questions about the proposal and you can find the written answers at:
    Steele County Highway shop site plan.
    Anticipated cost $13 M; anticipated move in date: August 2013

    We appreciate the time taken so far by the county staff and commissioners to answer our questions.  The commissioners will be holding a public event on Tuesday, May 15th at 6:30 p.m. at the County Administration (630 Florence Ave) building to present information and answer more questions about the proposal.

    A few of the questions/concerns we still have about this project:
    -The overall cost of the project and its impact to tax payers
    -Cost of maintaining the additional space
    -How the new efficiencies equate to cost savings (i.e.-how much staff time will this save in an average year)

    The commissioners have told us that they want to hear from you at their next meeting on May 15th.  Plan to join us for this important discussion.  This is information the commissioners will use prior to their vote on funding the highway complex at their June 12th meeting.

    Click here for the presentation slides for the May 15th meeting.

    Click here for site plan, rendition and building layout.

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Chamber Questions Sent to County on Hwy. Building

    The OACCT Public Policy committee recently sent pre-questions to the Steele County Commissioners regarding the proposed Highway Dept. building, scheduled for move in in August 2013.

    To review the questions and written responses from Administrator Shea, click here.

    Next, the Public Policy committee attended the County's Committee of the Whole meeting on May 8th to further clarify some of the responses and learn more about the project.

    We appreciate Administrator Shea the Commissioner's time.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2012

    Chamber Questions County Hwy Building Costs

    Chamber President Brad Meier asks the Steele County
    Commissioners questions regarding the projected
    $13M highway shop building

    The OACCT Public Policy committee and Chamber President Brad Meier attended the Steele County Commissioner's Committee of the Whole meeting on May 8th to find out why the projected costs of the proposed highway department shop is upwards of $13M.

    County efficiency, space needs and FEMA money for the three flooded buildings on Hoffman Dr. were factors in the estimated cost of the project.

    An internal and external space needs assessment was conducted, as well as a county equipment list was used to determine the square footage needed in a new facility.  These items were laid out with the architect for the most efficient use for operations.

    Administrator Shea did clarify that the project budget was a factor, but the county needs assessment took priority.  Shea and Commissioners insisted that the proposed shop doesn't include any "wish list" items--it's strictly designed around need.

    When asked if the county had a reserve account or money saved for this project, Shea explained that it's not the county's policy to reserve money. "It's been the policy of the board not to earmark money for future use-it's asking people today to pay for future use."

    Commissioners were also asked if they could monetize the efficiencies the new shop would bring to the county. The answer was no, but that the soft benefits of time savings and  proper care of equipment would be impactful to residents when their road needed to be plowed in the winter and less equipment would need to be purchased since it was properly maintained.

    The Commissioners are hosting a public open house on May 15th for residents to learn more about the project. A project timeline shows the county moving into the new shop August 2013.

    Steele County Redistricting & Filing Info

    Interested in running for County Commissioner in districts 2-5?  Not sure what district represents you?

    Click here to review the newly redistricted lines for Steele County.

    Click here to review the filing deadlines.

    Click here to review elections boundary info.

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    Chamber Members Voice Business Legislative Issues

    Chamber members discuss top business issues for the
    2013 legislative session with
    Jennifer Byers, MN Chamber of Commerce.
    Numerous OACCT members, and other business leaders from the region, gathered to share input on business issues the Minnesota Chamber should focus on for the 2013 session.

    Among the top issues: taxes and tax reform (business should be apart of the discussion); workforce issues (specifically soft/critical skill development); energy costs (less government involvement); healthcare; prevailing wage and the state departments managing details of the legislative action that is unclear and not consistent, which makes it difficult for businesses to comply.

    Jennifer Byer is the vice president of grassroots and local chamber relations for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce (

    Monday, May 7, 2012

    Elected Officials Working on Sales Tax & Use Audit Issue

    Letter from Representative Kath to Commissioner Frans asking
     about small business struggles with Sales Tax & Use  Audits
    Recent responses from both Senator Parry and Representative Kath regarding struggles OACCT members are encountering with the MN Dept. of Revenue on Sales Tax & Use Audits are encouraging that we're being heard.

    The OACCT waits anxiously to hear a response from the Dept. of Revenue or our elected officials.

    Below are a couple of examples of how the sales tax and use audits effect us locally:

    An example is an anonymous OACCT member sharing their experience as a local business accountant.
    “…the big concern was the number of auditors the state had hired and the "return on investment" these new auditors were required to earn.  It seemed the state was putting more pressure on short term returns, for budget reasons, than long term compliance.  This put pressure on the auditors and their attitudes changed to a more aggressive and less forgiving attitude.”  

    Another OACCT member, Ag Power Enterprises, recently went through this audit and felt confident to identify themselves and share their experience.
    “The audit lacked a plan.  The auditor did not start by attempting to get an understanding of our business.  That ultimately resulted in him missing huge segments of the business transactions.  His sampling techniques were random.  The documentation said he wanted to look at changed several times over the audit, so his effectiveness at uncovering problems was poor.

    There seemed to be several good learning opportunities but he just dropped them.  The audit report at the end of the audit was strictly a justification for applying our percentage of shortage from one or two months to the entire 27 month audit period.  There should have been a narrative report that articulated our shortcomings so that we have a plan of improvement.  That seems like a missed opportunity and points to a more punitive posture than a teaching posture. 

    We are pretty good at complying with sales tax rules at Ag Power, but even so, there are several complexities that have tripped us up.  There should be a process of giving a warning about an issue and then going back for a second audit that checks to see if the needed corrections have been made.  From my CPA experience, I would say that that process should especially be available for very small businesses.  Small business owners are jacks-of-all-trades and can easily miss sales tax rules.

    Taxpayers deserve more professionalism and business friendly procedures out of the Department of Revenue.”
    -David Allard, controller, Ag Power Enterprises

    Friday, May 4, 2012

    City Council Notes-May 1, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

    The council meeting was mostly a report from Fire Chief Mike Johnson on how the department is running.  He stated that the efficiencies of the department has reduced the rate amount for home owners insurance.

    Next major item was the rental agreement between Spectrum Pilot Services and airport to provide flight instruction and plane rental services.  The agreement states that Spectrum would pay $75.00 per month to rent office space and allow Spectrum hanger space when needed.  This is a one year lease and will re-evaluate this after the first year.

    The balance of the meeting was spent on re-appointments to city boards and commissions recommendations.

    Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    12 County Partnership-Human Services

    Proposed business model of
    12 county/regional service distribution
    OACCT members gathered to hear a draft proposal designed from 12 southeastern counties (organized by Accenture, hired with funds from the Bush Foundation) on delivering human services in a regional venue. These counties are leading a collaborative, cost-savings and cost-effective effort-the first of it's kind in Minnesota.

    The newly conceptualized business model shows if services are combined to meet the demographic need an estimated $25-$40 million (10-15%) savings over a five year period could be realized per county and an estimated $50+ million total savings realized by federal, state and counties (combined) over a five year period.

    Estimated savings if 12 county business model was implemented
    Next steps include answering questions of governance (i.e. 1 county, 1 vote on the regional board), funding (where/how is money dispersed), locations of high touch services, and pay plan.

    An upcoming meeting with all counties will determine if this conceptional model will push forward into reality.

    Steele County Administrator Shea is supportive of the concept, but still wants to see "the devil in the details" ironed out before fully committing.

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    Is Your Business Being Treated Fairly When It Comes to Sales Tax?

    Brad Meier, president/CEO

    Do you think it’s fair that an online retailer can sell the same product sitting in your store and not pay sales tax?  We don’t.

    Internet sales have grown at a phenomenal rate and represent nearly 10% of all retail purchases.  Because a U.S. Supreme Court decision (before e-commerce existed), online-only retailers are not collecting sales tax from consumers at the point of sale

    This deeply flawed and outdated system hurts small businesses that collect sales tax as required by law. This unfair tax advantage leads to less commerce at brick-and-mortar retailers that contribute to our state and communities.

    There is a legislative ‘fix’ that could come at the end of the session.  We are advocating for e-fairness and requiring on-line retailers remit the same sales tax as our bricks and mortar retailers.

    Highway 14-Will it ever become a four lane highway?

    The MN Department of Transportation (MNDOT) is giving us enough red flags about the four lane completion of Highway 14 from Owatonna to Dodge Center that we are concerned it won’t be in their upcoming 20 year plan (to be released near the end of the year).

    Can we count on State Funding for Highway 14 completion?
    At a recent meeting in St. Paul where the MNDOT Commissioner Tom Sorel presented the departments vision for the future, it was clear they are planning to save the major road investments for congestion projects. They have strongly suggested they are not going to include the four-lane expansion of Highway 14 in this new plan.

    They have also suggested highway expansion remains an option to address rush hour congestion.  This contradiction will lead to an unacceptable outcome for southern Minnesota.

    Highway 14 remains one of the most dangerous rural roads in Minnesota.  Projected population and traffic growth along the corridor will only make this highway more dangerous in the future.

    Four-lane expansion is the only solution that will address safety, mobility and traffic growth along Highway 14.  Many cheaper alternatives have already been exhausted; more will only make the situation worse.

    How can I Help get Highway 14 completed?
    We are not sitting idle.  We recently sent an alert out to all chamber members asking you to send a pre-written message to the Governor and our state representatives urging their support for having Highway 14 in the 20 year plan.

    This pressure needs to remain to strengthen the message that Highway 14 as a 2 lane is not acceptable.
    The Legislature should not abdicate such an important decision like this to MnDOT alone.  The Legislature needs to assert its right to oversee MnDOT before any final decision is made.

    School Position Future Proposals

    Mike Milstead, Ag Power Enterprises
    OACCT Board Chair

    The Owatonna School District is important to local business success by educating the future workforce, attracting new employees, and creating our future leaders.  The Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (OACCT) Board of Directors would like to suggest increased involvement by the business community in the strategic efforts of the school district.

    Chamber members know the recent decision to cut school programming is a major decision that will impact the district and community in multiple ways.  We believe that a clear plan that results in a safe, productive, and challenging environment will continue to produce the quality student for which Owatonna has come to be known.  Not being directly connected to the development of these recent proposals leaves us unqualified to advocate a position either way on behalf of our members regarding the validity of the proposal or the course of action that should be taken to resolve the budget crisis.

    Chamber members have acknowledged the importance of the district’s plans and are requesting the Chamber’s agenda include sharing business input on current and future school district proposals.

    We welcome an opportunity to share business expertise with school district officials to assist in resolving the challenges facing the district.

    Committee member Mike Milstead is one of the owners of Ag Power Enterprises, which is building a new location on 18th St. SW.  The building is scheduled for completion late spring/early summer.

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    County Board Notes-April 24, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

    -Lisa Havelka presented on Tourism efforts in 2012.  Tourism award to Maxine Ronglein.  Discussed other upcoming events.
    -Bixby sewer project update given by county planner.  Waiting on property owners to sign off on variances.  May need to reapply for a variance.  Looking to get bids out with two options - original plan and secondary plan for the sewer project.
    -paving projects:  2012 paving .  Pricing is up 33% this year for the bituminous mix, yet overall costs 10% under engineer estimates.
    -review bids for land lease of ag land on the site purchased for new highway department building-will award to a farmer at tonight’s regular board meeting.
    -May 8th meeting will review PowerPoint on highway building project.  Hold open house presentation on the project in May 15th at 630pm.  There will be a discussion at the May 8th committee of the whole about the highway project addressing the questions presented by the Chamber of Commerce.
    -discussed what to name the new facility highway department.

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    City Council Notes-April 17, 2012

    A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2012 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.

    Presentation by Police Chief Hiller on annual report.

    Building Inspection department.  New dwelling permits for first three months = 2

    Planning Commission minutes: Sheriff Sale of Pillsbury, bank will take over property on May 23rd 2012.

    Street Vendor permit for “U Betcha Dog”, hot dog stand.

    City is working on a grant from the DNR for $110,000 to buy a house in floodplain at 1018 Elm Ave, and will demolish it.

    City Policy change for employees.  Prohibits cell phone use while driving, emergency vehicles are exempt.

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    Chamber Board Invites Involvement from School District

    Superintendent Tapper and School Board Directors recently received the below letter from the OACCT Board of Directors regarding the business community's involvement in future district proposals.

    The Owatonna School District is important to local business success by educating the future workforce, attracting new employees, and creating our future leaders.  We appreciate your work.  The Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (OACCT) Board of Directors would like to suggest increased involvement by the business community in the strategic efforts of the school district.

    Chamber members know the current proposal to cut school programming is a major decision that will impact the district and community in multiple ways.  We believe that a clear plan that results in a safe, productive, and challenging environment will continue to produce the quality student for which Owatonna has come to be known.  Not being directly connected to the development of these proposals leaves us unqualified to advocate a position either way on behalf of our members regarding the validity of the proposal or the course of action that should be taken to resolve the budget crisis.

    As you know ‘budget crisis’ is something the business community has been familiar with over the last five years.  The economic recession has forced our businesses to focus on their core products or services to remain relevant and viable.  These experiences are valuable lessons that can be used by the district in their current deliberations.

    An example of how these business experiences have been utilized with success has been the City of Owatonna’s focus on providing important services with reduced budgets.  Over the past several years, the Chamber has focused business expertise on local government efficiency and utilizing best practices to find ways to deliver effective services at a lesser cost.    

    Our collaborative work with local government shows a sincere desire by the business community to be part of a positive community solution.  Chamber members have acknowledged the importance of the district’s plans and are requesting the Chamber’s agenda include sharing business input on current and future school district proposals.

    We welcome an opportunity to share business expertise with school district officials to assist in resolving the challenges facing the district.